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Nayda Thomasson

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    A few things you can do to help at home...

    Encourage independence

    Have your child practice zipping zippers, doing up buttons, opening their own lunch containers, and cleaning up after themselves.

    Make sure your child is getting enough rest

    Most children at this age need 12 hours of sleep each night. A common bedtime for Kindergarten children is 7:00pm. Children that appear hyper in the evening, are most likely overtired, as opposed to being not tired yet! One of my favourite parenting books is "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Dr. Marc Weissbluth.

    Practice Printing

    Practice printing in whipped cream or pudding. Spread it on a cookie sheet or plate and practice printing letters and numbers! Yummy!

    Playing with playdough is a great way for children to strengthen their hands and improve their fine motor skills.

    As your child makes the letters, encourage him or her to say the names of the letters out loud.

    Play Math Games

    Play card games like "Go fish" to practice number recognition. Have your child count small groups of objects, ensuring they use one-to-one correspondence. (Counting each object once.)

    Play Alphabet Games

    Practice letter recognition by having your child identify letters they see around them in their environment or in books.


    Read picture books to your child daily in English, encouraging them to point out letters they know, words they recognize and encourage predicting rhyming words.

    Below are some fun recipes that you can try at home: