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Friday, February 23, 2018 Weekly Update

Friday, February 23, 2018 Weekly Update
by Deleted user -
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Hello everyone,

Hope you are keeping warm as the snow comes down. I'm sure your child has already been out in it today! 

You should all be very proud of your children as they did extremely well when the snakes came to visit. We had the chance to look, touch and even hold them! The children were very respectful and gentle with the snakes.

Our next event is a field trip to Royal Roads Tuesday, March 6. Please return the form asap and the volunteer form too.

On Wednesday March 7 and Thursday March 8 our class will be having an Open House. Your child will lead you through some learning activities and sharing their work with you. Please sign up for a time that works for you and your child.

Next week:

Sharing: Alliteration - same letter sound repeating - example Blackie bounces by bushes or Jeni-Lynn jumps joyfully or Jeni jumps and juggles jellybeans.  Please help your child to come up with a few words that begins with their letter. We will make it into a class book. Thanks

Star Student Monday - Eli

Wednesday, Feb 28 - Please have your child wear their BE KIND shirt, or a pink shirt 

Volunteers needed Wed. Feb 28 in the kitchen to glue the portfolios- the children will look through them on Thursday and Friday to highlight their favourite activities to share at the OPEN HOUSE -thank you soooooo much for your help with this!

Enjoy the weekend,

Jeni-Lynn Blackie