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Friday, April 13 Weekly Update

Friday, April 13 Weekly Update
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Hello everyone! 

 Kids have shared some great poems this week, thanks for your support with that. We continue to learn poems and songs which will be added to the literacy folder. I am missing some folders so at the end of April I will staple the poems/songs and send them home. 

Field trip Monday- Please have your child dress for the weather and I recommend boots!  The address to the farm is  9469 West Saanich Road and parent drivers can park on the side of the farm driveway.  We will be having parent read in on Monday as there is no school on Friday. Then a snack/washroom break and head to the farm for 9:15.  It is about 40 mins. Please send your child's booster seat if they are going with a parent or myself.   A big thank you to the parent volunteers to drive! 

Important info:  A letter from Island Health about vision and hearing screening came home this week.  Please take a moment to look it over.

Just so you know, there were 6 or 7 children in various classes that went home after vomiting at school today.  If your child tells you s/he has an upset tummy this weekend, you might want to believe it and get a bucket.

Here is Mrs. Eng's Dance Invitation

Brentwood Elementary Join us May 15th @ 12:30pm OR May 16th @ 9:00am PLEASE ONLY ATTEND ONE PERFORMANCE ALL audience members must enter through the Action Morning doors (outside entrance to the gym) unless you have mobility issues. Thank you kindly for staying for the duration of the performance. The show will run for approximately 1 hour.

Our children are asked to wear black pants and one colour t shirts. *** Please try to avoid any clothes with words/ logos.
*** Don’t have a plain coloured shirt? Turn one inside out. 

K News handed out on Monday.

Calendar Reminders:

April 16 - Field trip to Pendray Farms and Family Read in 

April 18 - Hot Lunch

April 20 - No School 

April 25 - Popcorn Day

Star Student on Monday - Finley

Sharing Next Week - Favourite Farm Animal with clues , ie. 1) can have horns

                                                                                               2) the females make milk

                                                                                               3) they have udders     answer cows

Hope the rain lets up for our Monday field trip and for the weekend too!

Take care,

Mrs. Blackie