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Friday, June 8 Weekly Udate

Friday, June 8 Weekly Udate
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Hello everyone,

What a great week! We started with a fun buddy beach day, the children shared what they enjoyed about it in their journals. Thanks again to all the drivers! We couldn't have gone without you!

Tuesday we had our Lock Down drill...the kids were amazing! So quiet and listened well.  I was really impressed! Great job!

Wednesday we had the "ocean" come to us! The Sensational Sea is a program run out of the Gorge and it was fantastic! There were 3 tables where 2 were touch tables (many different animals) and one was a scientific table where they observed and guessed what their marine animal was. I hope your child shared their favourite animal with you! 

Today we finger painted! The children mixed colours and created cool ocean backgrounds for their crabs. We hope to finish it next week and have it up on the bulletin board for you to see.

SHARING- Something on their summer bucket list - visit a place, eat a special food, etc. 

The Kindergrad hats are getting made! Thanks to Mrs. Martin and Danica's mom, Michelle, we appreciate and your time!

  • Fun Day is Friday, June 22nd.  If you're new to Brentwood, it is a morning of fun activities for the whole school.  Staff will have stations set up all over the school property and the kids will have the freedom to dash around to their favourites along with their friends.  Families are invited to watch the fun and/or join their child(ren) for lunch outside picnic-style. Optional Fun Day Lunch Order forms went home this week and should be returned to your eldest child's classroom teacher. Lunches will be delivered to your eldest child's classroom.  You should talk to your child about where to meet for lunch, whether that be with you, a sibling, or a friend.
  • Myself and Mrs. Leite will be running a Cupcake walk.  We are looking for donations of a dozen cupcakes.  Please let me know if can donate and you can drop them off, Thursday, June 21 at the classroom. Thank you!

Calendar Reminders:

  • June 19 - Cultural Day Celebrations
  • June 20 - 10 am Service Assembly
  • June 22 - Fun Day
  • June 26 - 10am Farewell Assembly for Grade 5s and departing staff
  • June 26 - afternoon (likely 2:00 pm) KINDERGRAD-multipurpose roome
  • June 28 - Parent Appreciation Pancake Breakfast/Last day of school for kids

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Blackie