Mrs. Blackie - K1 News
Friday, January 18th Weekly Update
Hello everyone,
I want to let you know your kids are amazing! We did a directed draw today, outlined it and then painted ( all at different times) and WOW! They look great! I love their uniqueness! We have been reading a story about Sneezy the Snowman so there are parts in the story where he gets rebuilt and your child did it with paint! I hope to have them on the bulletin board by our class this weekend.
Here are some things happening in our class this week:
Science: Matter- solids, liquids, gases
Story: The Mitten - retelling and mitten activities
Sharing:New Math topic- Shape Hunt at home - your child can share shapes they have found in the house ie. circle - plate, square - window, etc. I hope they have fun being a Shape Detective! If they are keen, they can always draw what they have found from home and/or bring it to show during their sharing time. I have asked them to make 3 clues with help. Bottom of a can - it is round, there is no corner, it can roll. - circle
Big Buddy Skating: Wednesday 12:30 - 2:30 If you have not yet handed in the permission form and if your child needs skate rental, please send in $3.50 by Monday. (We need to go and purchase the rentals ahead of time-thanks) Feel free to come to the Panorama to help tie up skates...ha ha! We always appreciate parent support. Thank you parents who are coming on the bus - we will leave by noon. The children will eat before recess.
Plus, I am very excited to let you know we are going on a Science Field trip to Royal Roads in March. Yahoo! So, even though it is a long ways away if you want to volunteer to come, we will be taking the bus and it will be an all day activity-please let me know. I will need a minimum of 3 parents to join us. Unfortunately, younger siblings will be unable to come as there will be no room to accommodate them in the lab. (Yes, the children get to wear REAL LAB coats!) More information will be sent out closer to the time. It will be a great science adventure! I will confirm the date next week - just wanted to give you a heads up!
Calendar Reminders:
Popcorn Day - Monday, Jan 21 - Send a $1 if you forgot to sign up
Fun Lunch on Wednesday, Jan 23
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Blackie