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Friday, April 17 Weekly Update

Friday, April 17 Weekly Update
by Deleted user -
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Hello everyone,

Thinking of you and hope you are all keeping well  Thanks for all your hard work this week. It is so nice to see the children's samples of their work - helps me make a connection with them! Love the videos too!  One thing, when you upload videos to Fresh Grade they can be up to 3 mins otherwise I don't think they load,  Please remember that we have put extra learning activities but feel no obligation to do them all.  Every week we are going to put a camera by 2 -3 items if you get a chance to include these that would be great. If you only get to one, fine too - I don't want you to feel any extra stress about the activities. If you want to send more - I won't lie....I love seeing them!  When I respond to your child's work I try and give some feedback by offering as the expression goes "2 stars and a wish"- it may not be on everything but hoping it makes your child feel that what they are doing is important and strive for them to continue to learn.   Here is the Home Learning Plan for next week, I hope you enjoy doing the activities.  Here is the sign up for next week for Wednesday's sharing. I will send the MS Teams link next week. So great to see all the children. 

Sharing topic - 2 things - 1) a favourite toy, game OR book

                                         2)Alliteration - same letter  repeating - example Blackie bounces by bushes or Jeni-Lynn jumps joyfully or Jeni jumps and juggles jellybeans.  Please help your child to come up with a few words that begins with the first letter of their name. Thanks-looking forward to hearing them. 

A few things this week, I am including some teacher tip videos on some of the activities.

Number of the Day        

Writing/Drawing Goals

Letterland Alphabet   (this is a sheet to print if you need an alphabet)

Eagle Convocation Feather       Paper Eagle Feather

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Blackie