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Friday, October 30, 2020 Weekly Update

Friday, October 30, 2020 Weekly Update
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Hi  everyone, 

We had  a busy but fun week  wearing our Eagle shirts, dancing in the Sock Hop, participating in Spirt Day and crafting with our Orange Cohort Buddies!

Sharing: Last week, the children did an amazing job sharing their favourite number from one to ten.  This week our sharing is bringing in an item from home in a bag that is their favourite colour. We are going to review colour words this week.  I sent home a sharing schedule so your child knows which day they get to share on. 

Squirrel Fieldtrip to Francis King Park Wednesday, November 18 - We will be taking a bus to Francis/King Park. I have been collaborating with the Teacher Librarian, Miss Brown  to learn about Squirrels. I  will be sending home permission forms next week. Miss Brown will be accompany us on our field trip. It should be fun! 

Nov. 5 - I will be away in the afternoon for an appointment. The children met Ms. O'Farrell today and I let them know she will be their teacher when I am away.

Remembrance Day: To acknowledge Remembrance Day this year, we are doing a virtual parade in slide show form.  Please would you consider emailing in a photo of your family members, past and present, in uniform so that we can create a slideshow parade of veterans and serving members to mark their day.  Armed Forces, police, firefighters, etc. Those who serve, in uniform.  Photos can be sent to Mrs Coles at
It would be nice if you could attach their name, rank, dates served (and location if you know it) to add detail and context for our students.
Please submit the photos no later than November 5th to give us time to compile the slideshow.
Thank you

Turn your clock back one hour Saturday night

Remember to turn your clock back one hour on Saturday night, October 31 st!

Calendar Reminders:

Nov 4,5 Early Dismissal - Children dismissed at 1:48

Nov. 11- Remembrance Day - No School 

November 18 - Field Trip to Francis King Park  for a Squirrelly Adventure! (permission forms to come!)

November 20- NID - Non Instructional Day - No School 

Have a wonderful, safe Halloween Weekend!

Mrs. Blackie