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Friday, June 11, 2021 Weekly Update

Friday, June 11, 2021 Weekly Update
by Deleted user -
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Hello everyone, 

It is hard to believe that we are almost midway June! The children got a chance to look at  their scrapbooks-I finally got them done but will keep until next Friday as I have a few pieces on the walls that need to be included. Please ask your child about them as they were excited to see them this morning. 

Sharing next week: Please have your child share their favourite ocean animal and why they like them. They can draw it, bring in a stuffy of it or figurine to share. 

We painted the WSANEC moon- CENTEKI (Chun-thu) - The Sockeye moon today in the style of the artist and many children commented in our gratitiude circle how they enjoyed painting it today. 

Next week we have a few activities planned:

Please return any outstanding library books to the school. 

Colours of the Rainbow Day- Wear colourful clothing or your eagle shirt in support of pride month.

Friday, June 18 
Kindergarten Cohort Fun Day 
We will be doing some fun end of year activities with our cohort class outside. Please send hats, sunscreen, water bottles, as well as extra snacks and food if your child needs them. 
Some of the activities we will be doing involve water. Please send your child with an extra change of clothes this day. 

Have a great weekend, 
Mrs. Blackie