Mrs. Blackie - K1 News
Friday, June 25, 2021 Weekly Update
Hello families,
A great week of Indigenous learning and actvities! I sent home the scrapbooks this afternoon and there are two activities - salmon and bear - that were inspired by Indigenous stories as well as the children practised weaving. (A photo to come on the weekend.) Here is a link to make Bannok bread it is something we can't do this year, but hopefully we will be able to next year.
Scrapbooks - I think these are treasures! I really hope you enjoy reading them with your child. There is lots to review and discuss,,,plus it is fun to see their progression throughout the year. Please send a bag on Tuesday as I will be sending home their school supplies, journals and report cards.
There is no formal sharing next week. I will be videoing a poem on Monday that we would like to share with you!
We had fun today with a water spray and freezies to help keep us cool . Please remember to send a water bottle, hat and sunscreen as the children will be outside to play during recess.
We learn right up until Tuesday where we get to make smores, and later join our Orange Cohort friends for a movie in the afternoon. If you are picking up your child early, please let me know.
I look forward to seeing you at our parent appreciation morning on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend and stay cool!
Mrs. Blackie