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Friday, January 12 Weekly Update

Friday, January 12 Weekly Update
by Deleted user -
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Hello everyone,

What a great first week back! So nice to see the children and hear about their holiday adventures and all the family they saw. Of course, they liked their presents too...ha ha! We've been enjoying seeing them and hearing about them in Sharing. Those Hatchimals were very popular this Christmas along with the Beyblades. There will be one more week of "Free Choice" for sharing so your child can bring what they like in to share with the rest of the class.

This term we will be starting some new songs for our morning routines which I will plan to send home after we practise them...probably not until the week of the 22nd. (Please remember to send in Literacy folders on Tuesday and BEE folders everyday - thanks).

Next week here is what we will be working on:

Story: The Mitten - retelling and mitten activities during literacy centers

Letters - l, f  - songs to be sent home on Thursday

Math Focus- 3 D shapes - please send in any if you have some at home ( cube boxes, party hats, papertowel rolls, etc.)

Science: Matter- solids, liquids, gases  - simple experiments

Plus, I am very excited to let you know we are going on a Science Field trip to Royal Roads Tuesday, March 6.  I have waited 4 years to try and take a class there...a spot came available this year! Yahoo for our class! So, even though it is a long ways away if you want to volunteer to come, we will be taking the bus and it will be an all day activity-please let me know. I will need a minimum of 3 parents to join us. Unfortunately, younger siblings will be unable to come as there will be no room to accommodate them in the lab.  More information will be sent out closer to the time.  It will be a great science adventure!

Calendar Reminders:

Fun Lunch - Wed., Jan. 17

Non Instructional Day - Jan. 29

Popcorn Day - Wed Jan 31

PAC Parent Social - Music Bingo Friday, Feb. 3  (This is lots of fun! Hope to see you there! )

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Blackie