Mrs. Blackie - K1 News
Friday, February 2, 2018
Happy Groundhog day! One report said Spring is on its way, so I'll take it! I hope your child showed you their Groundhog puppet as they had fun colouring and making them.
I want you to give your child a big hug as they ALL did awesome today in a multistep directed draw, painting Snowman art project! They worked very hard to listen to the instructions and then were amazing when it was clean up time! I was thankful for all their help in cleaning up the paints, water, paper towel, etc! If you want to see their creations they are on the bulletin board outside our room. I love them all!
Sharing: Since we are now in February....the LOVE month, I ask that your child talk about something they LOVE to do or eat or something they just LOVE. Please let them know they have to explain why they love it!
Some kids missed their sharing for the Polar animals, please have them prepare it for next week. Sharing is a very important part of your child's development in Oral Language. This is one area that has been researched as being low in Kindergarten and so that is why I am encouraging your child each week to share so they are learning to talk about topics, ask questions, share comments, have conversations, give clues and learn to be comfortable talking to others in a group setting. Please help your child each week to prepare for their day. It is a special time for them too to have others listen and show that they are interested and care about what they are sharing. Thanks for your support.
Math: review 3D shapes, learning about more and less, with graphing, numbers...What is 1 more than 4, what is 1 less than 4
Literacy: First Nation story - Orca Chief - beginning, middle and end, guided reading groups begin, review z, w and introduce v &y
Calendar Reminders:
Friday, February 9th, we are celebrating the Olympics with Red and White Day to cheer on Team Canada. We are encouraging everyone to wear red and white for Canada. We will be having a “Torch Run” at 1:15, if weather permits.
Family Day - February 12 - No School
100th Day is on Tuesday, February 13th. We will be celebrating with the other K classes. At home, please take some time to count out 100 objects WITH your child. Then each child can either bring the 100 items to school in a ziploc-type bag or display it how you like. We will hang it on the wall to share with the class. (Ideas - buttons, marshmallows, fishy crackers, stickers, pom poms, fruit loop necklace...whatever your child wants to share.)
Wednesday, February 14th Valentine's Day - If you decide to send Valentines, I will be sending home a class list. Please include all the children in the class.
Monday, February 19 - Buddy Brunch P.J. Day (google doc to sign up to follow this week)
Friday, February 23 - School Not in Session - NID
Plus, this Thursday, I will have a guest teacher, Mrs. Leite (she teaches the other K/1 class) in our class. I will be away.
Have a happy, dry weekend...I hope!
Mrs. Blackie