Mrs. Blackie - K1 News
Friday, March 2, 2018 Weekly Update
Hello everyone,
Just a reminder there is NO SCHOOL on Monday.
A big thank you to the parents who helped with organizing and gluing all the student's work into their scrapbooks - Lisa, Ricki, Kelly, and Becca. The children were so excited when they saw them! Some asked, "Can we take them home today?" It was fun having them go through their work and I know they will be so happy to share it with you when you come to the Open House. Please remember to sign up...
On Wednesday March 7 and Thursday March 8 our class will be having an Open House. Your child will lead you through some learning activities and sharing their work with you. Please sign up for a time that works for you and your child.
TUESDAY, MARCH 6 FIELD TRIP to Royal Roads for Science Experiments- please be at the school by 8:35. I will do a quick attendance, washroom break as we head towards the bus. We leave at 8:50 on the bus as Dr. Mickie wants us there as soon as possible. The children will be taking their backpacks. Remember to pack an easy pocket snack that is in their coat pocket which is peanut free please. We will have the children have their snack right away when we get to the lab.
Have your child dress for the weather as we will be outside for our lunch time and play. It is going to be a fun day!
Because it is a short week next week and we are on a field trip there will be no sharing. I must say, last week's sharing was a lot of fun to listen to-the children did a great job saying them three times each!
Plus, on Tuesday there will be no Star Student, only Student Scientists! On Wednesday, it will be Daelin's Star Student day, Thursday - Ella and on Friday - Micah.
On Friday, March 9 in the afternoon, I will be away coaching one of the Gr. 4/5 Basketball teams at Bayside. Ms. Swift will be in for me. ( She has been in before).
I will hand out the K-News on Wednesday, sorry I forgot to hand them out.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Blackie