Mrs. Blackie - K1 News
Friday, March 9 Weekly Update
Hello everyone,
What a wonderful busy week...field trip, sharing our work, creating prints with Arts Reach, making modelling clay snakes and reviewing our "bacteria" dishes with Dr. Micki...hopefully after what they saw today in the petri dishes, they will remember to wash their hands...ha ha!
Here is what is happening next week:
Sharing: Students will share 2 rhyming and as a class we will see if we can come up with another one. We will make a class book of our favourite rhyming words.
Author Study - Laura Numeroff - If you give a Pig a Pancake - reading and sharing her books
Math-Introducing the Rekenrek counting tool - showing ways to make numbers up to 10
Math Problems - using story mats
Big Buddy Leprechaun Scavenger Hunt
Visit Big Buddy Museum
Calendar Reminders:
Report Cards - Home this week
Spring Break - March 19 - April 2 - School begins April 3
Fun Lunch - April 18
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Blackie