Mrs. Blackie - K1 News
Friday, November 2 Weekly Update
Hello everyone,
Another busy week! The children did a wonderful job sharing about their favourite Halloween events, their costumes and their favourite candies they collected!
We had fun graphing the smarties today - the children enjoyed my demo of how we graph then eat the smarties! They did a really good job at sorting the different colours then graphing and then they compared their graphs with one another. As a class we discussed which colours had more, less and the same.
We also started to learn about how we can retell story events using the story, "Where is My Mummy". As a class we ordered the events and then individually the students reordered the events to show how they understood the story. Both of these activities will be posted on our bulletin boards outside our classroom.
Today we practised our LOCK DOWN drill. The children were amazing! I read them a little power point on Why we do Lock Down Drills, then they did their jobs and I did mine and we were all silent. I showed them a story - they read the pictures silently. I find that this helps distract them if they are super nervous. We debriefed on the carpet and talked about how we can feel scared but we know it is just practise and we are safe. We will be having a real LOCK DOWN drill on Nov. 13th.
SHARING: Patterns: Please have your child bring in an object that has a pattern or wear a piece of patterned clothing or draw a pattern to share with the class.
Letters/Sounds: Jj, Zz, Ww Sight Words: is
Calendar Reminders:
Nov 4 - Daylight Saving Time (Reminder to turn your clocks BACK 1 hour Saturday evening
Nov 7-Picture retake day (Please let me know if your child is getting this or needs to have a photo taken)
Nov 9 -Remembrance Day Assembly is Friday at 9:45am. Everyone is welcome. If your child is in Beavers, Girl Guides, Cadets, etc they are encouraged to wear their uniform for the assembly.
Nov 12- Remembrance Day - No School - STAT
Nov. 13 - Lock Down Drill
Nov 14, 15 - Early Dismissal - School finishes at 1:55
Nov. 21 - Fun Lunch
Nov. 23 - Non Instructional Day - No School
Nov. 26 Popcorn Day
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Blackie