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Friday, February 1st Weekly Update

Friday, February 1st Weekly Update
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Hello everyone, 

It is hard to believe we are now in February! Today we discussed Groundhog Day so we will see if winter stays or spring will be early.  From our weather forecast it seems Winter wants to stay and we may be able to play in the snow - yeah. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather as we often go out if it is mildly raining and if there is snow - we will surely be outside!

We are going to be building ice castles with Mrs. Westwood's class on Thursday morning. Please fill any kind of container with water and freeze. The more we have the bigger the castle! You can use plastic tubs, balloons, ziploc bags, etc. If you want, you can add colour as well - your choice. I plan to make some extra starting this weekend to make sure they are frozen solid for Thursday. Thanks for your help and if parents want to stay to help in the morning that would be great too!

Sharing:  Since we are now in February....the LOVE month, I ask that your child talk about something they LOVE to do or eat or something they just LOVE. Please let them know they have to explain why they love it.

100th Day is on Wednesday, February 20th. We will be celebrating with the other K classes. At home, please take some time to count out 100 objects WITH your child. Then each child can either bring the 100 items to school in a ziploc-type bag or display it how you like on Tuesday, Feb. 19.. We will hang it on the wall to share with the class.  (Ideas - buttons, marshmallows, fishy crackers, stickers, pom poms, fruit loop necklace...whatever your child wants to share.) 

Calendar Reminders:

Story Theatre - Monday, February 4th - in afternoon

Science Presentation- Wednesday, February 6 - in afternoon

Eagle Convocation Day - Monday, February 11 (Please have your child wear their colour shirt)

Valentine's Day - Thursday, February 14 If you decide to send Valentines, please include all the children in the class.(I'll send home a list)

Pro D Day - Friday, February 15 - NO SCHOOL

Family Day - Monday, February 18 - NO SCHOOL

Fun Lunch - Wednesday, February 20

100th Day - Wednesday, Feb. 20 - Bring in 100 day items on Tuesday, Feb 19.

Buddy PJ Pancake Day - Friday, Feb 22 -  (more info and google doc to sign up to follow this week- we need parent volunteers to help out please)

Popcorn Day - Monday, Feb. 25

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Blackie