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Friday, May 17 Weekly Update

Friday, May 17 Weekly Update
by Deleted user -
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Hello everyone,

We hoped you enjoyed looking at our classroom books at the writing/art fair. Thank you for coming to see them.

There has been a change in our Field Trip to Island View Beach - we are now taking the bus with our Buddies as it is easier. So, if you said you would volunteer but you no longer can, please email me as we still hope to be meeting parents at the beach. Younger siblings welcome too. The times for the bus with remain the same -leave school at 10 and arrive back close to 1. 

Thank you for the return of permission forms. I am still waiting on some with the money for the beach and library. Plus, if your child needs a library card I need that form by next Wed as we need to get them in for them to make up the card before we visit. I have already dropped off the forms returned so they can start. 

Butterflies coming!!!! We received caterpillars and they have quickly changed into Chrysalis. We have made an observation of what we have seen and will continue to investigate Butterflies until we release them - very exciting!

Sharing - the bug sharing was fun - we like many bugs in our classroom and the children did a great job sharing why they liked them. Next week is FREE CHOICE sharing and Monday sharers can choose another day in the week. 

Reminders for Next Week:

PAC Spring Fair this Satureday, May 18 at Heritage Acres

May Scholastic due Wed. , May 22- a great way to stock up on books for Summer Reading!

Science Venture visiting Brentwood - Wed morning - We will be reviewing Matter with more experiments!

Eagle Convocation Thursday, May 23  - Please have your child wear their Eagle shirt. 

Friday morning - Math Games - all parents/grandparents welcome to come and play!

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Mrs. Blackie