Mrs. Blackie - K1 News
Friday, May 29 Weekly Update
Hello everyone,
I had lots of fun with the children on Tuesday's letter/sound scavenger hunt - they came up with some great objects to match! Way to go! As I head back into the classroom, I am hoping to connect with all the children on Fridays but am waiting on technology information. Plus, this Friday is a Pro- D day so I won't be able to visit next week. Teachers will be learning about Trauma-Informed teaching.
Here is the Home Learning Plan for next week. This week our focus is Healthy Living. In the Choice column Mrs. Westwood's daughter created a virtual of Thrifty's where your child maybe able to spot some healthy and treat choices they may want to eat.
Please continue to send your child's activities as I enjoy seeing what they are working on.
For students returning to school:
Here are some things you can tell your in-class learners ahead of next week:
There will be lots of handwashing.
Line up on the orange dots at our regular door which is an Eagle wingspan.
After washing hands, students will hang their backpacks with their lunches on the back of their chairs and sit down at their tables to check out their individual toy/activity bin.
Students are asked to leave toys at home BUT please RETURN YOUR LIBRARY BOOK. Over the weekend I will email you the name of the book your child has out. For those not returning to school there is a day in June that you can come and pick up supplies and drop off your library book. More info to come.
Recycling and composting at school have been stopped so wrappers and left-overs (ie. banana peels) will be coming back home in lunch kits for you to recycle compost at home - our role in helping the earth.
I look forward to seeing the children in school as well as the children in MS Teams the following week.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Blackie