Mrs. Blackie - K1 News
Friday, October 30, 2020 Weekly Update
Hi everyone,
We had a busy but fun week wearing our Eagle shirts, dancing in the Sock Hop, participating in Spirt Day and crafting with our Orange Cohort Buddies!
Sharing: Last week, the children did an amazing job sharing their favourite number from one to ten. This week our sharing is bringing in an item from home in a bag that is their favourite colour. We are going to review colour words this week. I sent home a sharing schedule so your child knows which day they get to share on.
Squirrel Fieldtrip to Francis King Park Wednesday, November 18 - We will be taking a bus to Francis/King Park. I have been collaborating with the Teacher Librarian, Miss Brown to learn about Squirrels. I will be sending home permission forms next week. Miss Brown will be accompany us on our field trip. It should be fun!
Nov. 5 - I will be away in the afternoon for an appointment. The children met Ms. O'Farrell today and I let them know she will be their teacher when I am away.
Turn your clock back one hour Saturday night
Remember to turn your clock back one hour on Saturday night, October 31 st!
Calendar Reminders:
Nov 4,5 Early Dismissal - Children dismissed at 1:48
Nov. 11- Remembrance Day - No School
November 18 - Field Trip to Francis King Park for a Squirrelly Adventure! (permission forms to come!)
November 20- NID - Non Instructional Day - No School
Have a wonderful, safe Halloween Weekend!Mrs. Blackie