Mrs. Blackie - K1 News
Friday, October 15, 2021 Weekly Update
A wonderful fall week! The children really enjoyed leaf rubbing so I encouraged them to try it at home too. We have chatted how it is getting cooler outside and darker-more signs in the change of season to fall.
Sharing: Great patterned clothes! We saw lots of stripes, hearts, dots and shapes in treads in our shoes! Next week we will be bringing in 1 item that has their favourite colour so we can learn/review colour words this week. We will leave the items at school until Thursday. Friday children who share can bring their item any other day and I will slot them in to share as Friday is a Pro-D day - no school for children.
Parent/Teacher Conference: Please sign up to meet in person or have a phone call. I meet or will call all the parents this term to see how your child has transitioned to KIndergarten. Here is the link again:
Fresh Grade: I've been loading photos on Fresh Grade and hope that you have had a chance to accept the invite. I hope to post photos every week. (Please remember that when photos are posted on Fresh Grade they are not to be reposted to other social media )
Squirrel Fieldtrip to Francis King Park Friday, November 5 - We will be taking a bus to Francis/King Park. I will be collaborating with the Teacher Librarian, Miss Brown to learn about Squirrels. I will be sending home permission forms next week. Miss Brown will be accompany us on the bus our field trip. Parent Volunteers: Due to Covid protocols parents only are allowed to meet us at the park to join in the field trip if you have completed the Criminal Record Check. Here is the link again - I will be asking the secretary to check the District Criminal Record checks a few days before we go. It should be fun!
Please label your child's coats with their name/initials.
Calendar Reminders:
October 20 and 21-Early dismissal 1:48 student pick up
October 22- Provincial Pro D day (no school)
October 28 - First Eagle Convocation (Wear Eagle colours)November 5- Field trip to Francis King Park for a Squirrely adventure
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Blackie