Unit 2: Career Exploration
Completion requirements
Here are the connections to the curriculum:
Big Ideas
- Consider the impact of personal and career choice on themselves and others
- A network of family, friends, and community members can support and broaden our career awareness and options
Curricular Competencies
- Appreciate the role of personal networks in choosing and advancing their career paths
- Locate and apply local and global career and labour market information to make potential career and life decisions
- Identify and explore local-to-global social and economic trends and appreciate their impact on individuals, communities, workplaces and career opportunities
Curricular Content
- Post-graduation opportunities
- Global trends and economy
- Labour and market trends
How will it be marked?
This unit will comprise 20% of your mark.
Check out this video made in Saanich School District!
Last modified: Monday, 1 October 2018, 4:02 PM